
  • More Than One Event

    Through the years…   … and he was so much more than that one single event. He was beautiful, funny, and kind; the smartest person I knew. My favorite person. My best friend.

  • July 9, 2016

    WARNING: The following post contains certain details regarding Jay’s suicide, and the aftermath. It may be inappropriate for some readers. Did you know? My question in return: Can you tell? At what point in that text exchange would you get Jay help? Tell me. Please. What is it you think I missed? I was exhausted…

  • A Must Read from Wil Wheaton

    View at I rarely promote other blogs. It’s not that there isn’t some amazing content out there, I just reserve this space for me and my thoughts – my little island to practice my writing.  But here we are about three weeks from the anniversary of Jay’s death, a day or two after more…

  • Happy Anniversary

    “Happy Anniversary” Jay’s whisper floated through the haze of my dreams every year on this day – spoken as he went to bed late in the night. “Happy Anniversary,” my groggy reply. “I love you.” Today is the second year I woke up after midnight and whispered into the air that wish to an empty…

  • An Anniversary

    How long were you married? Nine years. Oh. But we were together almost 17… OH! As if the length of time is a measurement of how much sympathy a person should garner. “She only knew him 1/5 of her life – one can hardly form attachments in such a short span. Oh, about 1/3 you…

  • To My Bestfriend on Our Anniversary

    It’s our anniversary and since I control this blog, I think it’s only right that I dedicate a song on this day to Jay, my best friend, husband and favorite person – the guy that loves me despite my insanity – the guy that laughs at my bad jokes and endures my corny dedications.  (The guy who is doubtlessly…

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